Monday, July 7, 2008


Extending beyond the usual or ordinary; extraordinary.

Yes, that would be the way that I would describe the men's Wimbledon final last night. Well, at least it was night for me and for them. For those of you who would not have seen it, it is going down as the best tennis match ever to be played by two competitors. I have even heard the "best sports final ever." I can't say that for sure, but I'm right on board with the best tennis match. Zero doubt on that.

The players spent somewhere close to 5 hours on court, but including the three rain delays and the breaks between points, games, and sets, it was almost 7.5 hours in total. I started watching this a little after 2:00 thinking that I would have plenty of time to get the wardrobes (closets) put together that I ordered, but of course they are still secure in their boxes.

During the match there was lots of me yelling at the TV: "No way!", "Stop it!", "Get OUT!" The tennis was just that good. When there was a superhuman shot hit that was definitely unreturnable, one or the other would, in the same superhuman form, prove me wrong and get it back. It was unbelievable.

The score at the end of it all was Nadal d. Federer (or Rafa d. Roger) 6-4, 6-4, 6-7, 6-7, 9-7. There's not tiebreaker in the fifth set so the match would've gone into this morning if Nadal didn't win that last game. I can't even imagine waking up and having to play the biggest match of your career starting at 8-8 in the fifth set. It's anyone's game at that point.

But nonetheless, the guy that I was pulling for did not win. But after reading the interviews and hearing what Nadal had to say, I respect the little fella. Maybe not so little - the guy is ripped. They both deserved it, but Nadal had less errors in the end - plain and simple.

It was unbelievable - ESPN has it as an instant classic (is that an oxymoron?) and I highly suggest that if you didn't watch it yesterday and you see it coming on - WATCH IT ALREADY!

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