Saturday, May 8, 2010

Where have I been, you might ask....

Let's see...what has happened in the last year...  I'll order the biggies chronologically:

  1. Got a big ole fancy ring.
  2. Became a house-girlfriend.
  3. Got another little puppy (Molly) for Oscar to play with.
  4. Brought Oscar and Molly in for the snippy snip and Molly didn't wake up  :(.
  5. Went to the US and got MARRIED! 
  6. Had a drink-filled celebration here in Dublin.
  7. Got another puppy for Oscar to play with (Dixie).  Intend to have no more bad luck in this area...
  8. Took a leap into my next career - I am full to the brim with fitness knowledge.
As you can see, the beginning of 2009 was a few smiles short of a kiddie birthday party.  But we are on the way up!  And of course, the most important update:

Lauren thought Sheila was back, but it was really Sheila's sister who had surgery to look like Lauren.  They kidnapped Jana and Lauren and started confusing everyone else, including Crazy Patty who had her own little surgery to look like Emily.  Of course the crazy look-a-likes met and hatched an evil plan.

So there you have it - your very own Young & the Restless update - now all of your dreams have come true.

At some stage I'll need to put aside the distractions of blogging, facebooking, and watching English and Irish actors doing their thang in the 1500s (The Tudors), to actually study a little anatomy.  What's that you say?  Don't I remember that from Mrs. Lemaire's class my junior year in high school?  If only....

Friday, May 7, 2010

My back yard is like a comb over hairdo

When you cut it short, all of the bald spots are revealed. I made a HUGE mistake in waiting 2 whole weeks before cutting it again. It is ridiculous - my dogs can recreate Tropic Thunder out there. They get completely lost back there and, as a result, insist that they go to the field across the street to do their business. This is sometimes inconvenient for me at 5:30 in the morning after I'm awoken to a complete spit facial (Dixie, not Derek), so I decide to put on my long pants and sweatshirt and head out to the tropical rain forest that is my backyard.

What's that you say? Sweatshirt to cut the grass?? Oh yes my friends. It's something like 55 degrees and misty raining every morning but the grass still insists on growing. I will say, though, that there's nothing better than hearing a lawnmower going on a sunny Saturday because that means......SPRING IS HERE! Oh, unless you're in Ireland. Then it's just the next phase of winter.

p.s. - Joe that one's for you. And considering you have decided to relieve yourself of all of your hair, I can't even make a bad comb over joke. Pffft.