Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Irish Name Game

I thought it would be fun to play a little game (will also help me to know if anyone's actually reading this blog). Below is an Irish name that when heard, sounds just like a regular American name. If you'd like to play, please put in the comments what American name you think this is. The American spelling is very simple and easy.

When I heard her name (yes, it's a girl) I wrote it down the American way and then saw the actual version on an email and my eyes probably got pretty big. Once we have the correct answer, or there's just no way in heck to guess, I'll let you know.

This is fun!


Isabelle Baranda said...

I know this is incorrect - but if I had to guess Ryan (there are quite a few girls named Ryan these days....

UPDATE...I just cheated and googled it. Yes I was wrong, but WHOA I can't see how that word sounds like that name. lol

nikki said...

Crazy right??!! Ok - no one else cheat! :)

Unknown said...

it's either Regina or Riona, right???
do i win? do i?
i have been to ireland a few times and now i'm in an irish walking club for st. patrick's and my sister married an irishman, so...

nikki said...

Ooooh...I'm sorry Rick. You are not the winner today. But they are close! Please try again. :)

mom said...

Is it Regina?

mom said...

Is it Regina?

Anonymous said...

Is it Mona?

nikki said...

And Mona is the winner! Just kidding of course. It's not Regina either, but that's close too.

Since the post will soon disappear down the line, I suppose I should give the winner...