Awwww....look at us - we're so festive.
Yep - I can fit my whole head in a "gap" without hitting a branch!! Ahhhh....Christmas.
Shot of the Fratellis. The lead singer is the one on the right. I think it's interesting that he doesn't set up in the middle - maybe he actually wants attention on everyone. Awww...shucks.
The lead singer. Shirt makes sense as I've been saying that a few songs remind me of the Beatles.
Not a bad shot, if I say so myself:
Once I can figure out this blogging website, I'll post a video...
The joke is that this is where they burn the Dubliners (spoken from a Dubliner of course):
Yet another picture of a trash can. I may have a problem here. Need to join "obsessed with trash cans anonymous."
If you have to drive for 4 hours, at least you get to look at this:
It's out of control.
We weren't sure if we could take pictures, but here is one of the stage:
Cell phone pictures don't have the best resolution, but you can get the idea. That's taken standing in the middle of the theatre, so you can see it's not very big at all. We guessed about 400 people maximum.
All in all a great night! I think an Oscar Wilde play is next.
No, that is not a really big dollar bill, it's a really small banana!! I swear it said bananito on the label. I may occasionally be funny but that's not something I would come up with. The description said that it would taste like an apple. Huh??? So I had to try it and I would say that it's mostly banana flavored, but does have a hint of apple. Maybe 5-10%.
Go out and get yourself a bananito today!